Gove, Northern Territory, Australia

Monday, 8 April 2013

Up Where We Belong

The urgent maintenance to the chain plate obviously worked, as the results of Sunday's SAGS race show.

The rest of the fleet


  1. Left in your wake. Okay what does SAGS mean?

    1. The meaning of SAGS is really lost in the mists of time. In the 'old days' (before women got too involved)it was the Sunday Afternoon Gentlemen's Series, now evolved (to some) to the Sunday Around Green (Island) Series.

  2. Are late comments accepted? Looking out across that blue expanse of Moreton Bay I can understand how you end up with salt water in the veins! Looks like the essence of freedom.

  3. I can understand people who love sailing. It must be great 'flying' ovet the waves with the wind in your hair. However for me it would have to be dead calm.

    Glad you liked my movie review.
